An Indie Author's Journey Store

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Whoa, where did you come from?

Ever reach a point in writing a story where a character pops out of nowhere and says, "um yeah, author, I have more to add to this story, put me in coach." Suddenly he/she becomes a minor/major character that can add more then you ever dreamed?
You become intrigued by the possibilities of them and still you try to write. In your head they won't keep quiet. They sit there and explain everything and finally you have to turn from your work and listen to them. Letting them tell their story to you and their plan to execute it. They have to convince you and you sit back and say, "Whoa, where did you come from?"
Enjoy those moments and listen to your characters, they have more to tell you then what they already have.
This is one of the joys of writing, all your characters either despise you, look forward to ruining your beloved main character, or try as hard as they can to become your favorite. The one you couldn't live with out. They become real people and not just characters anymore.
You find yourself asking like you may ask your son or daughter, what are you thinking or why are you doing that you know better. Either way you have love for them, they are friends and you are their confidant.
Enjoy the amount of time you share with them and listen to what they have to say. It makes your job easier.

- Antonio Grasso, author of The Valley of Candles

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