An Indie Author's Journey Store

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Valley of Candles has been named eBook of the Day by Hobbes End Publishing

The exciting new novel THE VALLEY OF CANDLES has been named eBook of the Day by Hobbes End Publishing. Pick up your copy HERE
This is the first in a series called THE VALLEY TESTAMENT. Don't miss out on one of the most exciting novels of the year that readers are calling, "Amazing!" "Awesome!" and "Hard to put down".

- Antonio Grasso, author of The Valley of Candles

Friday, April 6, 2012

Sonnet #1

When you walk the earth in shame
I wonder why you've turned away
As you wonder if things shall be the same
Once the time has come to join the fray
Then you look upon the sky
Life has gained a mile
And you stare above to ask why?
What must come to add to the pile
I see the gathering of your fate
Then your pain shall cease to be
As shall be all your hate
All you must do us look to me
Happiness shall be gained
And no longer will anything be feigned.

- Antonio Grasso, author of The Valley of Candles

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Please let me know what you think of this cover for my upcoming poetry release, Deep Down

- Antonio Grasso, author of The Valley of Candles

A Support System is Essential to the Writer

As we all know as a writer support is crucial as we put in long hours crafting our stories. Support is something I think we all crave during this process. As an Indie author I think we crave it even more, especially after the book has been written.
Once the final touches are put on our stories we enter into a phase that may seem mind boggling compared to the story we just finished. We might even get questioned on why we spend so much time on twitter or Facebook promoting our work. It is important for us as writers to make it known to our support system that the book isn't finished once the story is complete and that we need their support in the venture.
I have done this my fiancée as she has seen me tirelessly on my iPhone using twitter to support and promote other indie authors and this morning she said to me, "Go get on twitter,". I was amazed and delighted that The Valley of Candles has become a part of the family, that we are all in it together so to speak.
When I was working last night on twitter in between watching Supernatural and spending time with our 3 month old son and working on finishing a writing project she sat by encouraging me.
Without a support system writers have a very difficult time accomplishing what we need to do. The support The Valley of Candles has received on Twitter and Facebook has also been rejuvenating as we think our book is never going to see the light of day let alone get into the readers hands.
So if you get the chance today thank your support system whoever they maybe, let them know it is noticed and appreciated. Only good thing can come of it. Have a great Sunday!

- Antonio Grasso, author of The Valley of Candles